Marketing Materials

Please use the following promotional materials to promote CRFs amd the UKCRF Network

UKCRF Network e-Brochure

The UKCRF Network has developed a new electronic brochure that can be used by CRFs and partner organisations to promote CRFs and the UKCRF Network.

The e-Brochure has been developed using a slide set and is hosted online. You can there add the link to your website, emails, marketing documents etc.

Coming soon: a master slide set so that individual slides can be used in local presentations


The eBrochure is aimed at:

UKCRF Network Banner 

CRFs are very welcome to purchase their own banners (for example through Hospital/Uni medical illustration departments) using the Network’s artwork.

The image to the right can be downloaded and used for a roller banner at width 800mm by height 2100mm.


If you order a UKCRF Network banner, please send pictures, as it would lovely to share on our social media and our website - or tag us on twitter @NIHR_UKCRFN