Communication Guidelines

Guidelines and checklists for communicating research findings and promoting your CRF.

Please acknowledge the author when adapting guidelines for local use. 

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Research Communication Toolkit from ParkinsonsUK

Parkinson's UK have kindly shared their Research Communications Tool with the UKCRF Network. 

The toolkit contains a set of easy-to-use templates and guidance to make communicating with participants as simple as possible for researchers, helping them to build a communication plan before recruitment begins. It aims to keep people who've taken part updated and engaged until the research findings are published.

The toolkit was created after a survey run by Parkinson's UK showed that 72% of people who’ve taken part in Parkinson's research didn't hear anything after contributing. It went on to show, 80% of people said that they’d be more likely to take part in future research if they received more communication from the research team.

The toolkit took 16 months to develop and co-produce. It was created with members of the Parkinson’s community, health care professionals and researchers to encourage best practice in research delivery and engagement. This new toolkit is relevant to all areas and aspects of health research, not just Parkinson’s. It’s pioneering in making research more transparent and maintaining a sense of continuity with participants. The HRA is supporting this work as part of the Make it Public strategy.

The document can be downloaded from the below links or you can visit their website for more information and updates.

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